Web App Security Audit

Our web application penetration testing (VAPT) service is designed to ensure the security and reliability of your web applications. Our team of specialized security experts utilizes advanced tools and techniques to thoroughly evaluate your web applications, identify any potential vulnerabilities, and provide comprehensive mitigation strategies to safeguard your data.

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Mobile App Security Audit

Our mobile application penetration testing (VAPT) service is the ultimate solution to secure and guarantee the reliability of your mobile apps. Our specialized security team utilizes cutting-edge tools and techniques to thoroughly evaluate your mobile applications, identify any potential risk and provide mitigation strategies to safeguard your data.

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API Security Audit

Our API security assessment services involve a comprehensive analysis of API to detect any potential vulnerabilities that may exist. We conduct a series of tests to identify any weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers and provide recommendations to mitigate such risks, ensuring that your API infrastructure is entirely protected against any possible cyber threats.

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Thick Client Security Audit

Our thick client security audit is a comprehensive analysis of the security measures implemented on a client-side software application. This type of audit assesses the overall security posture of the application, including its design, configuration, and integration. It involves identifying potential threats that could compromise of the application and its data.

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Network Security Audit

Our Network Security Audit is a detailed assessment of a system's security measures aimed at identifying potential risks. It involves a thorough evaluation of all network components, including hardware, software, protocols, and policies, to determine whether they meet industry standards and best practices. It helps organizations to protect their data from unauthorized access.

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Cloud Security Audit

Our cloud security audit is a thorough evaluation of the security measures in place within a cloud computing environment. Its purpose is to identify any potential risks, vulnerabilities, and threats that may compromise the data stored in the cloud. The audit typically includes a review of access controls, network infrastructure, IAM policy, Server, NAT, and VPC with relevent cloud security standards.

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IoT Security Audit

We offer an IoT security audit service that helps identify any potential vulnerabilities, threats, or risks in your IoT devices. Our team conducts penetration testing to identify any weaknesses in the security controls of the devices. Our main goal is to ensure that your organization's IoT devices are secure, reliable, and resilient against cyber attacks and data breaches.

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Firewall Security Audit

Our firewall audit includes an assessment of our firewall configurations, rules, and policies. It also involves analyzing our network traffic to ensure that our firewall is effectively blocking any unauthorized access attempts. Once the audit is complete, we provide a detailed report that outlines our findings and recommendations for improving our firewall security.

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AD Security Audit

We offer a comprehensive security audit for Active Directory (AD) environments that includes an analysis of configuration settings to ensure they align with industry best practices. Our audit covers a detailed examination of user and group permissions, password policies, domain controller configuration, and GPO that affect the security posture of AD environment.

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